Carrol L. Gingold
Charles Casanova
Daria Snyder
Eva Vessio
Fran Schreibman
Howard K. Freilich, clp
Jeff Mendoza
Jeffrey Erb
Jennifer Lopez
Kevin Avram
Meredith Devine
Michael J. Madarash
Nick Imperial
Ricardo Carcamo
Samuel Jimenez, ASLA
Sara Baerwald
Seth Ruggiero
Tina Dituri
William Clay Dorvillier
Zeina G Zahalan, PLA
AJ Faltyn
Bo Budzik
Christian Ochoa
Dorian Gjeka
Gavin Rampersaud
Gina Pellino
Ian M Dana
Jennifer Cimino
Josh Fleischmann
Ken Missbrenner
Leslie A. Baglio
Matthew Bowman
MacKenzie Sharp
Paulina Chmiel
Peter S. Dick
Rebecca Henderson
Reid Pollack
Victoria Cali
Vince Nicosia
Zachary J. Madarash

Our Team

Our design + sales team ranges from landscape designers and architects, interioscapers, floral designers, special events and holiday coordinators. We will match you with the individual who will assist you with exploring creative horticultural and design solutions. Our extensive resources enable us to offer every level of interior and exterior plantscaping products. From foliage and specimen plants to containers and hard goods, Blondie’s can source specifically what you need.

Our operations and installations team are there to support each project every step of the way. From procuring the highest quality plant material to managing a custom container order, they are reliable and consistent. Our clients can rest assured that their project will be installed in a timely and professional manner.

Our horticultural service team is responsible for the care and maintenance of live plants. Supervisors insure that all aspects of your interior and exterior plantscapes are tended to thoroughly and efficiently. We encourage education and individual growth within our company. We are very proud that the majority of our staff have been with us for more than a decade. Designers; Bios; Team.