Our clients are the real winners!


It’s tough to put into words the pride we feel from completing a major new roof deck, terrace or garden project. Luckily, our incredible clients have done it for us. We are extremely proud to have received this email from Andy Loftus, General Superintendent and Project Manager for New Line Structures, the GC at Gotham, Tishman Speyer’s massive commercial project in LIC. We couldn’t ask for a better client than New Line, this project has been a truly rewarding experience from every angle. Thank you, Andy!

“This craning operation was perfectly planned out and perfectly executed on the day of the crane event (rooftop tree mobilization). You had as many supervisors on-site as you did workforce and this is a rarity these days and it was very much appreciated. If every contractor operated this way our daily oversight with regards to safety and work would be significantly reduced. Again “Thank you and you team” and we’re excited to see the end results of the 5th floor setback.”

-Andy Loftus, General Superintendent and Project Manager, New Line Structures

The massive rooftop park, a full acre of green space five stories up, connects the two commercial towers, both fully leased. Our team craned 88 populus trees to the fifth-floor space, installing them along with over 25,000 perennials and native grasses, including salvia, carex, eragrostis, viburnum and persicara. The ‘park in the sky’ is the largest elevated garden in the area, cementing the JACX’s domination among commercial projects in Long Island City.