Embarking on a heartfelt mission with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Blondie’s Treehouse has partnered with construction manager Savcon to bring joy to a brave child battling a respiratory disorder in Brooklyn, NY. The vision was to design a supportive backyard oasis, a tranquil sanctuary where laughter and happiness flourishes. We installed pavers for a charming patio and adorned the yard’s perimeter with powder-coated aluminum planters filled with colorful perennials and lush evergreens. In the rear of the garden, synthetic turf provides a durable surface for a new playground set. This collaborative endeavor reflects our shared commitment to crafting a serene backyard for a deserving child and underscores our belief in the profound impact of community and kindness to make dreams come true.
Crafting Happiness in Brooklyn with the Make a Wish Foundation
How It All Started: Make-A-Wish traces its inspiration to Christopher James Greicius, an energetic 7-year-old boy battling leukemia who wished to be a police officer. In 1980, his Phoenix community came together to make his wish come true. Little did Chris know that his wish would create a movement that would transform millions of lives.
Today, Make-A-Wish has granted hundreds of thousands of life-changing wishes to children battling critical illnesses. Wishes that give families hope through dark times, strength to persevere and experiences that forever change their lives.