55,000 sq ft green roof

This  55ksf  extensive  green  roof  serves  multiple  functions.  While  the  local  environment  benefits from  a  reduction  of  the  heat  island  effect,  minimized  storm  runoff  and  added  protection  to  the roof  membrane,  this  sedum  green  roof  transforms  a  series  of  bare,  unattractive  spaces  into  a vibrant,  lush  amenity  for  the  residents  of  this  new  development.  The  green  roof  is  perhaps  the most  visible  element  of  the  suite  of  high  end  amenities  and  finishes  envisioned  by  the  developer,  and  emblematic  of  the  continuing  evolution  of  this  historic  neighborhood.

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Smarter, faster and cheaper – Crane beats freight everyday

Safe craning in NYC is hard work but your budget will thank you: Planning and preparation are key to a safe, efficient craning operation. The details are important- lives are at stake.

 » Read more about: Smarter, faster and cheaper – Crane beats freight everyday  »